More measures to reduce noise nuisance after input from Schiphol's local community

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Schiphol and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) are introducing 16 new measures to the multiannual programme for reducing noise nuisance and improving the living environment around Schiphol that was presented last year. These include researching the optimisation of various existing take-off routes to relieve residential areas, using new technology that enables aircraft to turn more accurately and improving runway maintenance and works schedules. Schiphol and LVNL do this after having asked local residents, provincial officials, municipalities, councils and social organisations for their opinion on the programme. Yesterday, the adjusted programme, that now has 44 measures, was presented to Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, by Dick Benschop, President & CEO of Royal Schiphol Group and Michiel van Dorst, CEO of Air Traffic Control the Netherlands.

Working with the community

LVNL and Schiphol developed the programme, which was presented in March 2020, based on suggestions and proposals from local residents, officials, Schiphol Local Community Council, the top 20 Local Community Contact Centre (BAS) complaints, their own expertise and innovations in aviation technology and systems. They then asked local residents, officials and organisations in the local community for their opinion. Approximately 1,000 reactions to the nuisance reduction programme were given by way of online consultations, information sessions, webinars and talks.
Dick Benschop, President & CEO Royal Schiphol Group: "Nuisance reduction is a structural issue and very important, regardless of the fact that air traffic is currently limited. With this programme, we want to work on reducing nuisance in a transparent manner, together with the local community. We are grateful to local residents, municipalities, provinces and organisations for their critical comments, compliments and suggestions to make the programme better."
Michiel van Dorst, CEO Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL): "We are pleased that so many people in Schiphol's local community, officials and social organisations have helped us to consider ways to reduce nuisance and have come up with suggestions. In close consultation and collaboration with the community, we are investigating and developing proposals to limit noise and emissions, while continuing to guarantee safety. In this way, LVNL creates value for people living in the vicinity of Schiphol."

Reactions and answers

Schiphol and LVNL's answers to the reactions can be found on the website The responses to the questionnaire can be seen in an online dashboard, and the corresponding analysis and recommendations made by an independent research and consultancy firm are also available. The status of existing noise reduction measures relating to runway use, daytime flights, aircraft types and night flights has been updated. After feedback from the local community, ground noise measures were also added to the programme. The timeline, effects and degree of community involvement for each measure in the programme can be seen at any given moment.

Actively reducing nuisance

Together with airlines, Schiphol and LVNL remain committed to reducing noise nuisance, even now when there is less air traffic as a result of the coronavirus crisis, and regardless of the government's decisions about the development of aviation. A number of nuisance reducing measures were already introduced in 2020, such as a higher approach route towards the Polderbaan Runway at night, new standard night-time approach route towards the Zwanenburgbaan Runway, diverted take-off route from the Kaagbaan over Bodegraven and higher flight path for helicopters over the A9 motorway at night. These measures ensure that local residents experience less air traffic-related noise nuisance. In the coming period, Schiphol and LVNL will be conducting more in-depth research and continuing to work on the measures proposed in the nuisance reduction programme.
Michiel van Dorst & Dick Benschop
Michiel van Dorst & Dick Benschop