José Daenen, Director of Operations LVNL: "DST prevents delay by visualizing the expected imbalance in volume and capacity, reducing the need for regulations. By way of a simulation, it shows the status of the air traffic for the coming hours, where bottlenecks are to be expected, and which solutions will most likely lead to the fewest delay minutes. With DST, we have access to an innovative tool that allows us to precisely utilise the available capacity and to also avoid overburdening air traffic controllers while they perform their work."
The Decision Support Tool uses advanced, enhanced simulation tools and machine learning. DST shows the available runways, the flight handling capacity, the weather forecast, and how much traffic can be expected. With its improved simulation capabilities, an optimal solution that causes as little traffic delay as possible can be chosen.
Preventing delay
In 2019, more than one million delay minutes were required in Dutch airspace in order to balance discrepancies in air traffic volume and capacity. Every delay minute that can be prevented saves airlines an estimated €100 in costs. Many delays have external causes, such as adverse weather conditions like fog, wind, heavy rain, and runway maintenance. These delays cannot be avoided. However, LVNL estimates that several percentage points can be saved, resulting in millions of annual cost-savings for airlines.