Aviation sector presents safety measures for Schiphol

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Roadmap demonstrates projects and schedules

Aviation sector presents safety measures for Schiphol


Today, the Dutch aviation sector –  united in the Integral Safety Management System (ISMS) – will present the ‘Roadmap Safety Improvement Schiphol’. This roadmap provides an overview of all safety measures that have been jointly taken by the sector since last year in response to the recommendations issued by the Dutch Safety Board, the integral safety analysis conducted by the Netherlands Aerospace Centre and our own investigations. By publishing the roadmap, the sector wishes to inform all interested parties of the steps it is taking to further improve safety at Schiphol.


The ISMS is a collaborative initiative within which Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL), airlines, refuelling services, ground handlers and Schiphol closely collaborate in order to ensure optimal safety. This integral approach makes the Netherlands a world leader in aviation safety.



The ‘Roadmap Safety Improvement Schiphol’ (www.integralsafetyschiphol.nl), which was published online today, contains 30 safety measures that have recently been implemented, are currently studied, or are currently implemented. The sector specifically focused on further reducing runway incursions, minimising risks involved in runway combination changes and runway crossings, optimisation of collaboration between the various sector parties and optimal arrangement of infrastructure and services within this infrastructure. The roadmap will be updated twice a year.


Safety is paramount

For the entire aviation sector safety is paramount. Safety is constantly being optimised due to the constant development of new and existing technologies, procedures and training. Birgit Otto, Chair of the Safety Review Board of the sector-wide Integral Safety Management System and COO of Royal Schiphol Group: "Aviation is the safest form of transport. Nevertheless, the sector strives for permanent improvement of safety. Our sector is united in our efforts and safety is paramount to every single person and organisation at Schiphol. The Roadmap ‘Safety Improvement Schiphol’ gives everyone clear insight into the measures we are taking and how they answer the recommendations made by the Dutch Safety Board."


Systematic safety improvement

The extensive range of safety measures included in the roadmap includes the construction of an additional taxiway over the A4 motorway. As a result aircraft taxiing now have access to a separate taxiway in both directions. This greatly reduces the complexity of ground operations and therefore significantly boosts safety. Furthermore, investigation is under way to see if the staff directing the ground vehicles can work in the same tower control room as the ground controllers directing taxiing aircraft. This could improve coordination and minimises the risk of misunderstandings. The platform at the Zwanenburgrunway will be expanded to enable parking of a greater number of aircraft, reducing complexity of gate planners and preventing runway crossings. Investigation is also being conducted clarifying how ground handlers can increasingly share ground vehicles and materials in order to ensure platforms remain clear and movement of materials is reduced. Projects such as digitisation of flight information strips in the control towers are also included in the roadmap.


Integral Safety Management System (ISMS)

One of the Dutch Safety Board's recommendations was to jointly develop an integral system for safety management. In response to this recommendation, the Integral Safety Management System (ISMS) was created in order to improve collaboration between all parties involved in aviation safety. The ISMS is an addition to existing safety management systems of the sector parties involved. The ISMS focusses on risks with regards to interaction between those parties, the so called interface risks. Through the ISMS these interface risks can now be investigated collaboratively and safety analysis are being conducted proactively. Sharing information results in better insights, improvements and conclusions. This new and intensive collaboration method will greatly boost the ability of all parties to analyse, evaluate and resolve any safety issues that may arise.